The Herald Dispatch recently covered our forthcoming initiative in Huntington, West Virginia, focusing on enhancing the stretch of 3rd Avenue between 22nd and 24th Streets within the Highlawn Brownfields Innovation Zone (H-BIZ). This project aims to enhance connectivity along this corridor, fostering property redevelopment, establishing secure pedestrian, and cycling pathways, and implementing traffic enhancements. The […]
SGA staff finished an immersive visit to Appomattox, VA visiting vacant sites, meeting with stakeholders and facilitating public engagements. Information gathered these last few days will be used to create a Brownfields Area-Wide Plan and site-specific reuse plan. We are thrilled to be on the Environmental Standards team for this project that is being led […]
This concluded the second public meeting for the Virginia Beach Urban Forest Management Plan Update. If you missed out on these public meetings to provide feedback, there is still time to complete the public online survey, which may close on December 31st of this year! We want to hear from you Virginia Beach! Learn more […]
Our project in the Town of Appomattox got some media coverage recently! Lead consultant, Environmental Standards is pictured with SGA’s Anna Leisher and Landmarks SGA’s Amy Baade at the public open house to present targeted brownfields sites to include unoccupied buildings in the town. We are looking forward to seeing this project take shape!
SGA’s Sean Garrigan presented the final plans to the Ambridge Borough Council on the Merchant Street Streetscape Phase 3 from 8th to 12th street for approval to have the project go to bid for construction! This rendering depicts a local storefront and the frontage improvements.
SGA recently worked with the Westmoreland County Redevelopment Authority and Land Bank (RA/LB) on “Successful Models for Revitalizing Communities After Blight Removal,” a project that identified strategies for reimagining and reusing vacant lots in seven communities in Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. The lots resulted from demolition activities completed through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 […]