Charles Washington Hall
Reuse & Site Design
Charles Town, WV
Charles Town, WV
SGA was retained as the project architect and preservation consultant for the comprehensive restoration of Historic Charles Washington Hall, an 1874 market and meeting hall located at the core of Charles Town’s historic district. The site was dedicated in 1786 by Charles Washington, brother of George Washington and founder of Charles Town. The project consists of the design, engineering, permitting and construction documentation required to construct a regional Commuter Transit Center at Charles Washington Hall, along with a regional visitor’s center and the restoration of the historic second floor theatre.
The structure currently exhibits major structural deficiencies and SGA has retained Robert Silman Associates as the structural engineer to assist SGA in developing a structural rehabilitation plan that is sensitive to the historically significant architectural features of the building as well as complimentary to the reuse program for the building.
This project will includes an upfront analysis to identify character-defining features (historic items, most of which cannot be removed from the design) and to set parameters for meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. This phase of the project includes an initial assessment of the conditions of character-defining features, a brief Treatment Plan in keeping with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation, and a summary in the form of a Preservation Strategy. SGA is responsible for preparing permit and review applications along with supporting documentation, as required for a Section 106 review.
Extensive project information can be found at:
Landscape Architecture
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Parks, Recreation, & Green Space
Project Implementation Management
West Virginia AIA Honor Award for Excellence in Preservation
Preservation Alliance of West Virginia Downtown Preservation Award