Evans-Fintube Site
Multi-Modal Transportation Access Plan
Tulsa, OK
Tulsa, OK
SGA was retained by the City of Tulsa for the Transportation Access Improvement Plan of the Evans-Fintube site located North of Downtown Tulsa. The AWP study area was an approximately four square mile area, and included six key brownfield redevelopment sites. The largest, the Evans- Fintube site, is approximately 22.3 acres in size. The Evans Building was a former steel manufacturing facility that contained a foundry. The Fintube building once housed a metal manufacturing facility. Originally constructed in 1911, the Evans Building was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in December 2014.
The Improvement Plan introduced a series of transportation access improvements to the site to increase its connectivity to the Downtown. As the site is now, it is highly visible from two highways but lacks any direct access from either. The proposed improvements would create new access points from these highways and create a direct pedestrian connection to the University of Oklahoma campus nearby.
Urban Design
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, & Landscape Utilities