Falls Market Plaza
Rehabilitation Project
Fayette County Redevelopment Authority
Ohiopyle, PA
SGA worked for the Fayette County Redevelopment Authority and the Progress Fund on two high profile projects in the Borough of Ohiopyle. The first is the development of a master site development plan as part of a larger Falls Market redevelopment effort. SGA’s role on this project consisted of developing designs for a new public plaza to be located on the area formerly occupied by the old general store’s gas pump islands. The overall proposed redevelopment scheme for the building includes maintaining the restaurant uses and market and the introduction of an inn on the upper floor. The design of the new plaza is integrated into the renovation of the adjacent building and includes green building technologies including geothermal heating, a greenroof and grey-water recycling system and the utilization of locally produced materials. The plaza was identified as a key gateway into the Borough along Southbound Route 381, as part of the Borough’s larger Master Planning effort. As a result, SGA developed a plan that marries the site specific needs with the desire to create a gateway and branding opportunity at the entrance into the Borough and the need to integrate the site design with the active Route 381 streetscape engineering effort. This was achieved through the utilization of tall agricultural bins which serve multiple purposes including: storing roof grey-water for utilization in public restrooms, buffering negative views of adjacent properties and creating a backdrop for the application of signage to support the inn and restaurant. This project received implementation funding from the PADEP as a part of a larger Green Streets Initiative.
The Team also worked on a plan to expand the Borough’s street grid in order to support the development of the Borough’s largest redevelopment project to-date. The proposed project includes creating of a new 50 room hotel and retail village. SGA designed this project to LEED® standards and employs innovative stormwater techniques for both the site development aspects and the design of the surrounding streets. The proposed project also retains nearly 60 percent of the existing mature tree canopy through sensitive site planning and design.
Urban Design
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Parks, Recreation, & Green Space
Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, & Landscape Utilities