Great Northern Paper Mill
Reuse Design
Millinocket, ME
Millinocket, ME
Our Katahdin (OK), a volunteer driven non-profit organization working to promote community and economic development in the Katahdin region, has secured the support of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization Technical Assistance Program to develop site reuse plans for the Innovation Cluster of the Great Northern Paper Mill #1 site, located along the Millinocket Stream in Millinocket, Maine. The 42-acre Innovation Cluster, hereafter referred to as the study area, is a subset of the overall 1,400-acre mill property that has been acquired by OK and prioritized for reuse planning.
The study area can support a diverse mix of uses. The proposed reuse will support research & development for various technologies and industries, as well as supporting services and amenities.
The Green Research Business Campus can be developed through a combination of adaptively reusing existing buildings and creating new infill development of various sizes and scales to accommodate a wide variety of future uses focused on research & development and green technologies. The proposed reuse plan shows how the 18-acre area can support a unique regional business destination with distinct placemaking elements, especially focused on the area’s waterfront location.
The Transportation and Logistics Hub provides the opportunity for larger format industrial and manufacturing activities that take advantage of the site’s proximity to rail infrastructure as well as other amenities within the overall 1,400-acre site.
Urban Design
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Parks, Recreation, & Green Space
Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, & Landscape Utilities