The Ohio River Coalition
Regional Design Initiative
Multiple Riverfront Municipalities
Allegheny & Beaver Counties, PA
2010 – Present
Capitalizing on SGA’s ability to correlate large-scale thinking with project level execution, the Ohio River Coalition communities retained SGA to establish an overall 28-mile revitalization framework that includes urban infill, modern industrial redevelopment, parks, public spaces, trails, and habitat restoration, especially focused on post-industrial lands.
SGA is actively implementing projects of all scales as result of the framework plan that emphasizes the Ohio River as the region’s common resource. Originating out of a resident-led effort to create a continuous Ohio River Trail that would link Station Square on Pittsburgh’s South Side to the Ohio State Line, SGA determined a strategy for incrementally create public access along and to the Ohio River in 28 separate municipalities.
Realizing that the trail could be the mechanism to engage larger thinking of regional brownfield issues, SGA led a series of planning and design efforts along the Ohio River Corridor that focus on addressing environmental concerns while expanding economic development opportunities of all types.
Design and implementation projects range from site reuse plans for 21st century industry to multiple public park projects. SGA is currently leading the Monaca Pennsylvania Avenue Gateway Transportation Project that includes final design and engineering of new roundabouts, integrated blue/green technologies, urban design, and adjacent infill mixed-use development to support the adjacent $10B Royal Shell Petrochemical Plant under construction. Other active projects include final design engineering of the Montour Trail to Sewickley Bridge Trail, the remedial action plan and final engineering of the Moon Township Riverfront Park on the former RB&W plant, and a park master plan for the former U.S. Department of Defense Potter Airplane Fuel Tank Farm.
SGA Ohio River Coalition Plans and Projects
- Ohio River South Shore Trail Feasibility Study
- Ohio River North Shore Trail Feasibility Study
- U.S. EPA Ohio River Coalition Communities Brownfields Area-Wide Plan
- U.S. EPA Ohio River Coalition Assessment Grant Project
- Former RB&W Plant Moon Township Riverfront Park Master Plan and Remedial Design/Engineering
- U.S. EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Plan Implementation Technical Support – Monaca Borough
- Pennsylvania Avenue Gateway Transportation Project Final Design and Engineering
- Pennsylvania Avenue Brownfields Corridor Urban Design and Infill Development Plan
- Antoline Park Master Plan and John Antoline Memorial Pavilion Final Architectural Design
- Park Master Plan for the former U.S. DOD Potter Tank Farm Airplane Fuel Tank Farm
- Aliquippa Former Dump Reuse and Remedial Action Plan
- Aliquippa Bricks Site Housing Infill Plan
- J&L Steel Plant and Jones Run Reuse Plan
- Historic Coraopolis P&LE Train Station Reuse and Redevelopment Plan
- Coraopolis Ohio River Back Channel Reuse Plan
- Former Pennsylvania Tool & Die Industrial Reuse and Remedial Action Plan
- Friend of the Riverfront Station Square to Montour Trail Feasibility Study
- Montour Trail to Sewickley Bridge Off Road Multi-Use Trail Final Design and Engineering
- Midland Railroad Avenue Corridor Redevelopment and On-Road Trail Plan
Urban Design
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Parks, Recreation, & Green Space
Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, & Landscape Utilities
Project Implementation Management
Project Facts
$180M Construction Value
28 Partner Municipalities
165 Brownfields Sites