Paxton Creek/Cameron Street Brownfields Corridor
Forming Downtown Vibrancy
Harrisburg Redevelopment Authority
Harrisburg, PA
SGA was hired to complete an area-wide reuse plan for the City of Harrisburg’s Redevelopment Authority for the Paxton Creek / Cameron Street Brownfields Corridor. The plan depicts an evolution of design concepts for the de-channelization of Paxton Creek with its primary intent to focus on the brownfields related conditions and implications with regards to constructing civic infrastructure and attracting private investment to improve the community and the quality-of-life of Harrisburg residents.
The plan illustrates what lands are developable, setting the stage for the ability to market those sites to the private sector once required infrastructure investments are made. This plan builds upon and refines previous recommendations and illustrates how incremental investments may be made to ensure that true resiliency can be achieved. This will be critical to protect existing community assets and to respond to potential private sector investors’ concerns that new development could be at-risk.
Urban Design
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, & Landscape Utilities