Robrecht Riverfront Park & Trailhead
Master Plan
Belomar Regional Council
Wheeling, WV
SGA as a part of the brownfields redevelopment team funded by the U.S. EPA’s Brownfields Program, developed a comprehensive site reuse plan which address historic brownfield conditions as a result of the Robrecht’s site history as a former Baltimore & Ohio Railroad railyard. The site is strategically located adjacent to the Wheeling Heritage Rail Trail along the Ohio River. The plan extends public access along Wheeling Creek with a “deck park” on several abandoned railroad plate-girder bridge decks. The plan includes creating a critically needed ADA accessible kayak launch as a part of the City’s water trail system. The site has sat mostly vacant for years. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment had findings that identified concentrations of PAHs above WVDEP recreational soil risk concentrations so a combination of engineering controls were integrated into the park’s design and to allow for on-site stormwater management. SGA’s work supported a WV Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant that resulted in an October 2020 award of $240,000 by Governor Justice. The funding will be used to the advance the engineering design and permitting for the project to move it towards construction.
Urban Design
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Parks, Recreation, & Green Space
Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, & Landscape Utilities