Water Street Park
Open Space
City of Norfolk
Norfolk, VA
The E. Water St. Openspace is located on publicly owned properties along the Eastern branch of the Elizabeth River, adjacent to Norfolk Harbor Park stadium. This project will remediate a critical segment of shoreline property that provides stormwater management and adds value to the Elizabeth River Trail.
The plan focuses on converting an existing waterfront brownfield into a publicly accessible space, seeking to promote a change in perception of the Harbor Park waterfront. The future of Harbor Park could involve feature elements of economic development, environmental education, and a waterfront destination.
Background research places Harbor Park in an historically industrial area, a past which brings with it a concern of soil contamination. In order to avoid complications that typically accompany the disposal of contaminated soil, the grading plan is designed to reuse cut material. Existing soil will be removed from proposed stormwater bioretention areas and relocated to raised meadow planting mounds. The use of hardy native plants will facilitate stormwater capture and soil remediation while adding ecological value.
The section of the Elizabeth River Trail (ERT) which runs through the site is being elevated and relocated to help prevent flooding. The existing section of the Trail will be converted into Stormwater Micro-pools.
SGA held a workshop with the Recreation, Parks & Open Space (RPOS) department and a local artist to collaborate on the design of the site. ERP has expressed interest in providing planting for the project, and ERT is willing to provide amenities as an upgrade to the trail.
Landscape Architecture
Brownfields Reuse Planning
Project Implementation Management
Parks, Recreation, & Green Space
Resiliency, Green Infrastructure, & Landscape Utilities