Sean Garrigan
Principal, Landscape Architect, Senior Planner
Sean is the principal-in-charge of planning and is a professional land use planner and landscape architect with over 25 years of experience in land use planning and urban revitalization. Over the duration of his career, Sean has specialized in focusing the planning, design, and construction of major land development and infrastructure projects in a manner that ensures that each project is context-sensitive to its environs. Much of his experience has focused on applying a refreshing view of urbanism principals to infill and brownfields projects. He has extensive experience managing U.S. Environmental Protection Agency funded regional environmental impact projects and brownfields assessment initiatives. His expertise is focused on determining the reutilization potential of abandoned or under-utilized large-scale industrial parcels, such as steel mills, manufacturing, and chemical production facilities.
Sean holds a Master of Landscape Architecture with a Certificate in Historic Preservation from the University of Pennsylvania; a Certificate in Urban Material Conservation Planning from the International Center for the Conservation of Cultural Property-ICCROM (Rome), an Educational Affiliate of the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO); and a Bachelor of Science in Ornamental Horticulture and Environmental Design from Delaware Valley College. He is a member of the American Planning Association.
Sean is a history buff and a fanatical railfan. He collects model trains and likes to operate full-size mainline steam locomotives, including piloting a tourist steam train over a 900-mile route throughout southern Poland. He collects antique German automobiles and is a third generation accomplished plantsmen.