SGA is a leader in brownfields reuse planning and land recycling. The brownfields movement began in the early 1990s as communities began to recognize that the fear and uncertainty associated with potential environmental contamination was undermining efforts to revitalize urban areas. This movement also coincided with a growing interest to rethink urban waterfronts, both from a public use standpoint as well as from their role in regional ecological health. Many communities facing urban sprawl realized that future growth must consider the reutilization of land at their regional core, often land well served by extensive utility and transportation infrastructure, yet hampered by the stigma of unknown contamination. Our staff have been involved in the practice of brownfields revitalization since the field’s inception and offer extensive proven approaches to address brownfields sites of all scales and environmental constraints. For specialized technical services, we maintain collaborative working partnerships with many of the nation’s largest environmental engineering and remediation firms, allowing us to best meet the specific needs of each of our clients. SGA has held more contracts for U.S. EPA funded brownfields redevelopment projects in EPA Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, and WV) than any other firm, and is also the leading firm in the country for S. EPA Brownfields Area-Wide Plans. Because of SGA’s extensive experience, we have been as a foremost authority on brownfields area-wide redevelopment planning in the United States.
The firm provides unparalleled brownfields planning and design services for sites of all scales including: