Park amenities and facilities are typically underfunded or end up entirely eliminated from civic infrastructure projects as a cost-cutting measure. This major grant award ensures that the Blue Greenway’s signature park amenities are included for an area of the city that has historically had very limited access to open space. This public facility designed for the needs of the 21st century will serve as a nationwide model for a civic space that provides critical flood mitigation infrastructure and community open space needs, while responding to the growing demands of climate adaptation. The new open space is designed to meet the expressed needs of the St. Paul’s neighborhood residents and Kindred development initiative. The park and recreational aspects of the project focus on taking steps forward to address Norfolk’s social equity and quality of life challenges through the promotion of outdoor health and wellness. SGA and the Blue Greenway project team, including: Moffatt & Nichol, Waggonner & Ball, Toole Recreation Planning, and Wetlands Studies and Solutions, Inc. hope to deploy this strategy throughout the Hampton Roads region. St Paul’s Blue Greenway’s forward-thinking approach makes this park space a neighborhood and community-wide destination for current and future generations to come!