The project focuses on several key brownfields properties on both sides of the river that represent a major opportunity to expand the economic potential of the city’s downtown. The project will merge the expanding economic vibrancy of the downtown with the ability to cohesively shape new development, public spaces, environment, and infrastructure together to allow […]
Originally built in 1874 serving as a market house and meeting hall, Charles Washington Hall has undergone a $4 million rehabilitation and had its ribbon cutting in April 2017. The building has a new life as a regional visitor’s center, farmers market, and café on the ground floor and a performance arts space above in […]
The corridor and the surrounding neighborhood has experienced significant urban disinvestment and suffered badly after the 2008 economic decline. Due to years of diminished commercial economic activity and heighten mortgage defaults, there were nearly 700 vacant residential properties in the neighborhood, at its low point. Through efforts of community organizers, city agencies and other county, […]
SGA developed plans for a residential neighborhood and for the historic downtown of the city, which includes a large riverfront park. Brownfield sites ranged from former auto dealerships to dry cleaners and small-scale industry that revolved around the city’s major chemical production plants. Hopewell is most noted as the location of an Allied Chemical contracted […]